Friday, August 10, 2007

Prayer Request for My Wife, Son and Unborn Baby

We found out today that our 2.5 year old has Fifth Disease which is usually not that big of a deal for kids.
The rash can last a couple of weeks (some cases lasting for several months) and may itch. Patients are usually no longer infectious once the rash has appeared.

In most cases Fifth is mild, however, there are serious consequences for certain risk groups:

In pregnant women, infection in the first trimester has been linked to hydrops fetalis, causing spontaneous abortion.

My wife, Christina, is 18 weeks pregnant. She is going in to the hospital tomorrow morning (Friday) to get blood work done.

Please be in prayer for her, our nonborn baby and Nation. I'll give updates when I get them.

I'm leaving Sturgis early to be with her, Nation and Noelle during this time.

As an update on Sturgis...

God encouraged my heart much this week with the power of the Gospel to convert the desires of non-believers and increase affection for Christ in believers. By God's design I met and shared the Gospel with numerous people this week. But, one of those most impacted by its power was me.

Thank you for your prayers for us while we were here. And, thank you for your prayers for my wife, our non-born baby and Nation.


Anonymous said...


You and yours are in our prayers. Charis umin kai eirene.

Dusty Deevers said...

Thanks Chris. Grace and peace to you as well.

Blackhaw said...

Y'all are in our prayers.

Carl, Sharon, and Daniel.